Is our New Mayor the right choice.

Monday, March 9, 2009

This past Sunday was the first of three consecutive Sundays that a group of us lead by Grizz (Chad) are climbing at the Crux.  First day we went through all the safety stuff (good thing to as it is a ways up once you start climbing) and after about an hour or so we were good to go in partners (always good to have someone hanging on to you while  you climb).  As my Grand-daughter would say "That was so awesome !"

I think we all got in two or three good climbs before our time was up for the day. Fingertips are real sore right now.

I have been so impressed with the TRX suspension training system that Chad got a few weeks ago and with 3 (or 4) sessions under my belt now I have decided to go out and get my own. Stopped by Fitter First just off blackfoot on Sunday but they were closed and then took a look at their web site and they have the TRX professional available for $149.00.

So today on my way home I stopped by and picked up a set.  This is going to be great on the upcoming trip. 

I think I will hang TRX from the Eiffel tower in Paris and get a workout in.  Do you think they will be impressed with this crazy canuck??

Need to make some decisions this week about some upcoming Tri's just as soon as I figure out the tax situation. Was supposed to finish taxes last week but Sunday was really a write off.  The coral springs one looks OK just really not sure about the lake swim.

till next time.